Councillor Christine Newhouse

I have lived in the village, since mid the mid 2000’s.   I have previously served on the village hall committee, and was  a  committee member of  a youth club that ran for a short time at the village hall. I volunteered  to be a  Parish Councillor as I have a  genuine curiosity and passion for local affairs.

I have several years experience of working  at the first point of contact for Warwickshire County Council, I then re trained to become an occupational therapist and after of working for a short time within the NHS, was  drawn back to working for local government,  I currently work part time within the HEART partnership in Warwickshire delivering grants for housing adaptations.

I enjoy short walks, often round the village, and when the weather is fine across the local footpaths, and have been known to run occasionally too!  ”

Play Area
Health and wellbeing

Committee membership:
HR and Staffing

Councillor Sue Starling

I have lived in Lilbourne for 5 years and I am passionate about our village and decided that I wanted to become more involved in our local community. I joined the Parish Council in 2023 and enjoy working to ensure that improvements are made which will keep our village safe and looking good.

Roles and responsibilities:
Burial Ground.
Speed watch/speed cameras.
Police liaison representative.

Committee Membership:


Councillor Janys Alexander

We moved to Lilbourne in 1984, and as my three sons all attended Yelvertoft School I was on the Yelvertoft School Association for some years.  I have been a volunteer driver of the village bus since 1985, and have also been on the Parochial Church Council since 1985 – most recently as its secretary, leader for nature conservation and social history, and as a churchwarden. My late husband John and I led the church bells restoration project (they were restored in 2012)  and our son Ian is currently in charge of bellringing at  the church.

I have served on the Parish Council for some 25 years: 1991-1999, 2002 – 2018 (as vice-Chair for a few years)  and 2022 – ongoing. I was closely involved with the War Memorial project, which was successfully concluded when it was put in place just before the centenary of the Armistice in 2018, and with the colourful display of poppies that we had at the entrance to the village that year. Currently my main areas of Parish Council responsibility are the production of the monthly Lilbourne Newsletter, which I’ve done for most of the last 25 years (except for 2018 – 2022)  and as a member of LPC’s Minibus sub-committee.

Councillor Chi Wah Chow

My Family and I have only lived in Lilbourne for just over year but I have been the Pastor of Lilbourne Evangelical Church in Chapel Lane for over 6 years now. You might have seen me at one of our services or on the village green leading the Remembrance service or singing a carol at Christmas.
My family and I moved into the village to be closer to the church and to get involved more with village life at Lilbourne. What better way to get involved more than join the Parish Council. My aim by going the Parish council is to help create more of a community spirit and to help anyone who needs help.

My Roles and responsibilities

Minibus Comittee

Councillor Nigel Morley

I have lived in Lilbourne for 24 years and have been frequently associated with the church, village hall and LPC.

I have been a pharmacist for over 50 years, a Senior Mentor for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, a Committee member of the Pharmacy, Law and Ethics Association (PLEA) and a forensic Expert Witness.

My two youngest children attend Yelvertoft School and use the Lilbourne minibus. I am a keen Freemason and bridge player.

Councillor John Robertson

I have been a Lilbourne resident now for 5 and a half years, and love living in the village. I ran my own landscape gardening business for 18 years however after a couple of years of working part time I am now fully retired and love it.

One of my passions is to travel, whether abroad or in the UK, I have a very big bucket list which we are working through.

My partner Carolyn and I have 3 grandsons whom we both adore and see them as often as possible which keeps me on my toes as well as wears me out. I like walking (daily around Lilbourne) and am an avid reader, usually a couple of books a week. I like to relax watching a good film, particularly Dramas, thrillers and Action, best film of all time “The deer hunter”.

Retirement has, between travelling given me some spare time, which fits in perfectly with being a parish councillor. The role of a councillor is quite varied and allows me to get involved in the decision making that will hopefully make our village a better place to live and enjoy. There are many aspects to being a councillor all of which I thoroughly enjoy, such as working on projects to improve our environment, introducing new facilities to the village, having a say in how the village looks and is maintained all of which brings responsibility to get it right and ensure monies are managed and invested correctly on behalf of the village residents, something I’m a real stickler for.

I would recommend that all residents get involved in their council or local committees at some point, contribute to and have a say in their surroundings and services, its very rewarding and satisfying.


Village hall and car park CCTV.
Mowing and small maintenance contracts.
Links with Prologis / DIRFT.
Jubilee Meadows (Hillmorton lane field)


Mrs C Valentine